#! /bin/bash #设置字体颜色 tiffcolor="\033[0;35m" menucolor="\033[0;33m" todaycolor="\033[0;35;44m" start="\033[0m" #计算各个日期 month=`date +%m` day=`date +%d` year=`date +%Y` weekday=`date -d "$year-$month-01" +%w` nextmonth=`expr $month + 1` today=`date +%d` #计算本月有多少天 differ=$(( ($(date -d "$year-$nextmonth-01" +%s) - $(date +%s))/(24*60*60) )) days=`expr $differ + $day` #打印标题 echo -en "${menucolor}" echo -en "\t $year $month\n" echo "SUN MON TUE WEN THU FRI SAT" echo -en "${start}" #打印空格 if [ $weekday -ne 0 ];then for((i=1;i<=$weekday;i++)) do echo -n " " echo -n " " done fi #打印日期 for((i=1;i<=$days;i++)) do printf "%s" " " echo -en "${tiffcolor}" #今天高亮显示 if [ $today -eq $i ];then echo -en "${todaycolor}" fi printf "%2d" $i echo -en "${start}" echo -en " " if [ $((($weekday+$i)%7)) == 0 ];then echo "" fi # printf "%3d " $i done echo ""
#! /bin/bash #date=$1 tiffcolor="\033[0;35m" menucolor="\033[0;33m" todaycolor="\033[0;35;44m" start="\033[0m" if [ $# -ne 1 ];then echo "plz input the date" exit 1 fi date=$1 count=`echo $date |grep -o '-'|wc -l` if [ $count -ne 2 ];then echo "plz input correct date" exit 1 fi year=`echo $date|cut -d "-" -f 1` month=`echo $date|cut -d "-" -f 2` day=`echo $date|cut -d "-" -f 3` expr $year + $month + $day + 0 &>/dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo "plz input a correct date" exit 1 elif [ $month -gt 12 -o $month -eq 0 ];then echo "plz input the month between 1 and 12" exit 1 elif [ $day -gt 31 -o $day -eq 0 ];then echo "plz input the day between 1 and 31" exit 1 fi #nextmonth=$(( $month + 1)) #month=`date -d "$date" +%m` #day=`date -d "$date" +%d` #year=`date -d "$date" +%Y` weekday=`date -d "$year-$month-01" +%w` if [ $month -eq 12 ];then newmonth=1 newyear=`expr $year + 1` else newyear=$year #nextmonth= expr $month + 1 newmonth=`expr $month + 1` fi days=$(( ($(date -d "${newyear}-${newmonth}-01" +%s) - $(date -d "$year-$month-01" +%s))/(24*60*60) )) #echo $days echo -en "${menucolor}" echo -en "\t $year $month\n" echo "SUN MON TUE WEN THU FRI SAT" echo -en "${start}" if [ $weekday -ne 0 ];then for((i=1;i<=$weekday;i++)) do echo -n " " echo -n " " done fi for((i=1;i<=$days;i++)) do printf "%s" " " echo -en "${tiffcolor}" if [ $day -eq $i ];then echo -en "${todaycolor}" fi printf "%2d" $i echo -en "${start}" echo -en " " if [ $((($weekday+$i)%7)) == 0 ];then echo "" fi # printf "%3d " $i done echo ""