·创建一个控件的类型数组: Button[],将所有的button控件创建好后存进去,可以遍历它;
//pn 是个 Panel 控件
foreach (Control item in pn.Controls)
if (typeof(TextBox) == item.GetType())
((TextBox)item).Text = "我是动态修改的!";
Windows窗体中的数据绑定列表框和组合框很节省时间 典型的代码如下(假定已经建立了SqlDataAdapter或者其它部件获取数据)
Dim ds As New DataSet() SqlDataAdapter Fill(ds Customers ) ListBox DataSource = ds Tables( Customers ) ListBox DisplayMember = CompanyName ListBox ValueMember = CustomerID
在这种情况下 代码使用Northwind数据库的顾客记录工作 DisplayMember属性设置为你希望用户在列表框中看到的记录字段 它是customers表的CompanyName 通常ValueMember属性设置为数据表中的一个键字段 对于customer来说是CustomerID 一旦用户选择了列表框中的一行 很容易使用列表框的SelectedValue属性获得键字段
MsgBox(ListBox SelectedValue)
但是有可能需要一个与被选择项相关的整个数据行对象的引用 例如 如果被选择的行需要被删除 就不知道键了 你需要一个数据行的引用以使用Delete方法
典型的Visual Basic开发者通常这样想 我已经得到了该行的键了 我将编写一些逻辑来查找使用该键的行 这样可以实现 但是有更好的实现方法 可以使用一行代码获取与列表框中选项关联的数据行
Dim dr As DataRow = CType(ListBox SelectedItem DataRowView) Row
通常该逻辑不会凭直觉出现 即使对经验丰富的开发者 为了解释这是怎样实现的 我把上面的一行拆成几行 下面的代码与上面代码的功能相同
Dim drv As DataRowView drv = CType(ListBox SelectedItem DataRowView) Dim dr As DataRow dr = drv Row
DataRowView类是数据行的包装 它被多个Windows窗体控件使用 它使得显示与控件中的数据行相关的数据更加容易 当列表框被数据绑定到数据表时(假定列表框中的有些行当前被选定了) 列表框的SelectedItem属性保存了一个DataRowView对象
这意味着我们能把列表框的SelectedItem属性转换到DataRowView对象 这就是上面代码中的第二行实现的 接着DataRowView暴露一个Row属性 它指向被包装的数据行 上面的代码声明了一个数据行并设置了Row属性
转换对象的类型以访问它的接口的技术在Visual Basic 中不是经常使用 但是在Visual Basic NET中这是经常的 有了上面的例子后 大多数有经验的开发者迅速跟上了这种技术
数据行的引用(dr)可用于用任何方式维护行 访问数据行中的任何特定字段是可行的 行中的数据可以被改变 能使数据行的Delete方法把该行标识为删除 或者从数据表的行集合中删除该行 下面的代码标识删除了一行
dr Delete()
创建一个名为 MySubDelegate 的委托。
Delegate Sub MySubDelegate(ByVal x As Integer)
Class class1
Sub Sub1(ByVal x As Integer)
MsgBox("The value of x is: " CStr(x))
End Sub
End Class
定义一个方法,该方法创建该委托的实例并通过调用内置的 Invoke 方法调用与该委托关联的方法。
Protected Sub DelegateTest()
Dim c1 As New class1
' Create an instance of the delegate.
Dim msd As MySubDelegate = AddressOf c1.Sub1
' Call the method.
End Sub
下面的示例程序阐释如何在一个类中引发一个事件,然后在另一个类中处理该事件。AlarmClock 类定义公共事件 Alarm,并提供引发该事件的方法。AlarmEventArgs 类派生自 EventArgs,并定义 Alarm 事件特定的数据。WakeMeUp 类定义处理 Alarm 事件的 AlarmRang 方法。AlarmDriver 类一起使用类,将使用 WakeMeUp 的 AlarmRang 方法设置为处理 AlarmClock 的 Alarm 事件。
' EventSample.vb.
Option Explicit
Option Strict
Imports System
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Namespace EventSample
' Class that contains the data for
' the alarm event. Derives from System.EventArgs.
Public Class AlarmEventArgs
Inherits EventArgs
Private _snoozePressed As Boolean
Private nrings As Integer
Public Sub New(snoozePressed As Boolean, nrings As Integer)
Me._snoozePressed = snoozePressed
Me.nrings = nrings
End Sub
' The NumRings property returns the number of rings
' that the alarm clock has sounded when the alarm event
' is generated.
Public ReadOnly Property NumRings() As Integer
Return nrings
End Get
End Property
' The SnoozePressed property indicates whether the snooze
' button is pressed on the alarm when the alarm event is generated.
Public ReadOnly Property SnoozePressed() As Boolean
Return _snoozePressed
End Get
End Property
' The AlarmText property that contains the wake-up message.
Public ReadOnly Property AlarmText() As String
If _snoozePressed Then
Return "Wake Up!!! Snooze time is over."
Return "Wake Up!"
End If
End Get
End Property
End Class
' Delegate declaration.
Public Delegate Sub AlarmEventHandler(sender As Object, _
e As AlarmEventArgs)
' The Alarm class that raises the alarm event.
Public Class AlarmClock
Private _snoozePressed As Boolean = False
Private nrings As Integer = 0
Private stopFlag As Boolean = False
' The Stop property indicates whether the
' alarm should be turned off.
Public Property [Stop]() As Boolean
Return stopFlag
End Get
stopFlag = value
End Set
End Property
' The SnoozePressed property indicates whether the snooze
' button is pressed on the alarm when the alarm event is generated.
Public Property SnoozePressed() As Boolean
Return _snoozePressed
End Get
_snoozePressed = value
End Set
End Property
' The event member that is of type AlarmEventHandler.
Public Event Alarm As AlarmEventHandler
' The protected OnAlarm method raises the event by invoking
' the delegates. The sender is always this, the current instance
' of the class.
Protected Overridable Sub OnAlarm(e As AlarmEventArgs)
RaiseEvent Alarm(Me, e)
End Sub
' This alarm clock does not have
' a user interface.
' To simulate the alarm mechanism it has a loop
' that raises the alarm event at every iteration
' with a time delay of 300 milliseconds,
' if snooze is not pressed. If snooze is pressed,
' the time delay is 1000 milliseconds.
Public Sub Start()
nrings += 1
If stopFlag Then
Exit Do
If _snoozePressed Then
If (True) Then
Dim e As New AlarmEventArgs(_snoozePressed, nrings)
End If
Dim e As New AlarmEventArgs(_snoozePressed, nrings)
End If
End If
End Sub
End Class
' The WakeMeUp class has a method AlarmRang that handles the
' alarm event.
Public Class WakeMeUp
Public Sub AlarmRang(sender As Object, e As AlarmEventArgs)
Console.WriteLine((e.AlarmText + ControlChars.Cr))
If Not e.SnoozePressed Then
If e.NumRings Mod 10 = 0 Then
Console.WriteLine(" Let alarm ring? Enter Y")
Console.WriteLine(" Press Snooze? Enter N")
Console.WriteLine(" Stop Alarm? Enter Q")
Dim input As String = Console.ReadLine()
If input.Equals("Y") Or input.Equals("y") Then
If input.Equals("N") Or input.Equals("n") Then
CType(sender, AlarmClock).SnoozePressed = True
CType(sender, AlarmClock).Stop = True
End If
End If
End If
Console.WriteLine(" Let alarm ring? Enter Y")
Console.WriteLine(" Stop Alarm? Enter Q")
Dim input As String = Console.ReadLine()
If input.Equals("Y") Or input.Equals("y") Then
CType(sender, AlarmClock).Stop = True
End If
End If
End Sub
End Class
' The driver class that hooks up the event handling method of
' WakeMeUp to the alarm event of an Alarm object using a delegate.
' In a forms-based application, the driver class is the
' form.
Public Class AlarmDriver
Public Shared Sub Main()
' Instantiates the event receiver.
Dim w As New WakeMeUp()
' Instantiates the event source.
Dim clock As New AlarmClock()
' Wires the AlarmRang method to the Alarm event.
AddHandler clock.Alarm, AddressOf w.AlarmRang
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
Public Class Form1
Public Class SquareClass '把多线程调用的函数封装到类中,通过类事件返回
Public Value As Double
Public Square As Double
Public Event ThreadComplete(ByVal Square As Double)
Public Sub CalcSquare()
Square = Value * Value
RaiseEvent ThreadComplete(Square)
End Sub
End Class
Dim WithEvents oSquare As SquareClass
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click '多线程返回值测试,当线程运行完成激发事件
oSquare = New SquareClass()
Dim t As New Threading.Thread(AddressOf oSquare.CalcSquare)
oSquare.Value = 30
End Sub
Sub SquareEventHandler(ByVal Square As Double) Handles oSquare.ThreadComplete '响应事件函数
MsgBox("The square is " Square)
End Sub
End Class