修饰模式(Decorator Pattern),又叫装饰者模式,是面向对象编程领域中,一种动态地往一个类中添加新的行为的设计模式。就功能而言,修饰模式相比生成子类更为灵活,这样可以给某个对象而不是整个类添加一些功能。装饰模式非常适用于灵活扩展对象的功能,下面是装饰模式的UML图:
class SaveMsg(){ private $msg; public function __construct($msg){ $this->msg=$msg; } public function __store(){ //存入数据库 } }
//基类 abstract class Filter{ abstract public function isForbid(); } //基础过滤类 class MsgFilter extends Filter{ public $content; public function __construct($msg){ $this->content=$msg; } public function isForbid(){ if(preg_match("/https?/i",$this->content)){ return [true,"Not Allowed Urls"]; }else{ return [false]; } } } //装饰器,用来扩充功能 abstract class FilterDecorator extends Filter{ protected $obj; public function __construct(Filter $obj){ $this->obj=$obj; } } //新过滤器,判断是否重复发帖 class repeat extends FilterDecorator{ public function isForbid(){ if($this->obj->isForbid()[0] === true){ //判定是否包含url return $this->obj->isForbid(); }else if($this->obj->content == "this is a test"){ //判定是否重复发帖 return [true,"Repeat Posts"]; }else{ return [false]; } } } $test = new MsgFilter("httpsfdjoafdsajof"); print_r($test->isForbid());//被禁止 $test2 = new repeat(new MsgFilter("this is a test")); print_r($test2->isForbid());//被禁止
#!/usr/bin/env python class Filter(): pass class MsgFilter(Filter): def __init__(self,msg): self.content=msg def isForbid(self): if('http' in self.content): return [True,"Not Allowed Urls"] else: return [False] class FilterDecorator(Filter): def __init__(self,obj): self._obj=obj class Repeat(FilterDecorator): def isForbid(self): if self._obj.isForbid()[0]: return self._obj.isForbid() elif self._obj.content == 'this is a test': return [True,"Repeat Posts"]; else: return [False] test = MsgFilter("this is a content have http urls") print test.isForbid() test2 = Repeat(MsgFilter('this is a test')) print test2.isForbid()
function MsgFilter(msg){ this.content=msg; this.isForbid=function(){ if(this.content.match(/http/g)){ return [true,"Not Allowed Urls"]; }else { return [false]; } } } function Repeat(obj){ var _obj=obj; this.isForbid=function(){ if(_obj.isForbid[0] === true){ return _obj.isForbid(); }else if(_obj.content=='this is a test'){ return [true,"Repeat Posts"]; }else{ return [false]; } } } var test = new MsgFilter("his is a content have http urls"); console.log(test.isForbid()); var test2 = new Repeat(new MsgFilter("this is a test")); console.log(test2.isForbid());
由于Javascript缺少类的特性,继承对于它来说就显得有点鸡肋了,上面的代码看起来更像是对两个函数的处理, 在python中,有更加简单的添加装饰器的方法,直接通过”@”给函数自动添加装饰器,达到扩展功能的目的,如:
def Decorator(F): def newF(age): print "You Are Calling",F.__name__ F(age) return newF @Decorator #通过@给函数showAge添加装饰器Decorator def showAge(age): print "hello , i am %d years old"%age showAge(10)